Maximum number of participants per each type of space

Understand how many participants can occupy each type of space, including breakout rooms.

There are limits to the number of people that can occupy each type of space and room in InSpace. These limits depend on your setup.

Single Space (ex. "Classroom" in your LMS)

  • Maximum of 50 participants (including hosts), 30 with active video cameras
  • Breakout rooms have a maximum of 15 participants per room

Experience Hub

  • Maximum of 500 participants (including hosts) in the Experience Hub
  • Maximum of 500 participants (including hosts) in the Auditorium
    • Maximum of 6 speakers on the stage
  • Maximum of 40 participants (including hosts) in each Subspace
    • Maximum of 30 active cameras per Subspace
    • Breakout rooms in a Subspace have a maximum of 15 participants per room.
  • Maximum of 24 Subspaces per Experience Hub
  • Maximum of 10 breakout rooms per Subspace

Standalone Auditorium

  • Maximum of 500 participants (including hosts) in the Auditorium
    • Maximum of 6 speakers on the stage