Creating an InSpace Link for Registration and Calendar Invites

When you are ready to add an InSpace link to your calendar invitations, event registration pages, or emails, follow these steps to generate the correct link.

It is possible to link attendees to your event space's Reception area, where they will have a choice of Space to join first. Or, you can link attendees directly to their first destination in your event, such as an Auditorium.

Option 1: Copying the Join Link from the InSpace Dashboard

  1. Visit the InSpace Dashboard and log in with your institution account.
  2. Locate the Space Card for the session you want to add to your invitation. 
  3. Press the Copy link icon (it looks like a chain) on your Space Card. 
  4. Paste the copied link into any event registration platform, calendar invite, or email. 

Note: Using this method, when a session attendee clicks on your link, they will be prompted to sign into InSpace. Then, they will see the InSpace Join Screen. Finally, they will land on the Reception page for your session. 

Option 2: Copying the Session Link from the InSpace Reception Screen

  1. Visit the InSpace Dashboard and log in with your institution account. 
  2. Locate the Space Card for the session you want to add to your invitation. 
  3. Click Click to Join. Your session will open in a new tab. Click the purple Join Space button to enter the session. 
  4. Hover over the Space where you want attendees to join first. Click the Link icon that appears (it looks like a chain). 
  5. Paste the copied link into any event registration platform, calendar invite, or email.

Note: A typical InSpace link follows this format:* , with an alphanumeric suffix replacing the asterisk. Links with a single suffix direct participants to Reception. When you copy the link from a specific Space, such as the Auditorium, it will follow the format:*/* and have two alphanumeric suffixes.

Copy space link from Reception

Option 3: Copying the Session Link from the InSpace Session Toolbar

  1. Visit the InSpace Dashboard and log in with your institution account. 
  2. Locate the Space Card for the session you want to add to your invitation. 
  3. Click Click to Join. Your session will open in a new tab. Click the purple Join Space button to enter the session. 
  4. Once inside the session, move into any Subspace or Auditorium using the Click to Join button.
  5. Open the InSpace Session Toolbar by clicking the Home icon at the top right of your screen. 
  6. Locate the directory entry for the Space you want attendees to enter first. 
  7. Click the Copy link icon next to the Space. 
  8. Paste the copied link into any event registration platform, calendar invite, or email.